20 Soal Latihan Present Perfect Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda Online (Paket 1)

Sekarang kamu bisa mengerjakan 20 soal latihan present perfect continuous tense pilihan ganda secara online langsung di halaman ini. Pastikan juga kamu sudah benar-benar memahami materi present perfect continuous tense sebelum mengerjakan soal.

Present perfect continuous tense ini adalah tata bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang telah dimulai dilakukan beberapa waktu yang lalu dan sekarang masih berlangsung dengan durasi waktu yang jelas.

Misalnya, kamu menunggu seseorang dari jam 7 pagi dan sekarang kamu jam 10 pagi kamu masih menunggu dia. Itu artinya kamu telah menunggu temanmu selama 3 jam. Dengan situasi tersebut kamu bisa mengatakan I have been waiting my friend for 3 hours.

Untuk lebih jelas mengenai materi ini kamu bisa membacanya di link berikut ini.

Materi Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Dengan bahasa penjelasan yang sederhana dan lugas, kamu bisa memahami materi present perfect continuous tense dengan baik. Yuk langsung aja baca materinya.
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Selain itu, kamu juga bisa membaca materi English Grammar lainnya disini.

20 Soal Latihan Present Perfect Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda

17. Pr Pf Con - Ambon
(Ilustrasi Soal Latihan Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Sumber: istock.com)

Nah, kalau kamu sudah siap, saatnya kamu mengerjakan soal latihan present perfect continuous tense. Kamu akan mendapatkan 20 soal pilihan ganda dengan 5 pilihan.

Pastikan kamu mengerjakan soal ini dengan tepat dan cepat karena setiap soal akan diberikan waktu sekitar 60 detik. Jadi, kamu harus benar-benar fokus.

Setelah selesai mengerjakan soal, kamu akan langsung mendapatkan hasil dari pekerjaan kamu, apakah kamu bisa mengerjakan semua soal dengan benar atau tidak.

Sudah paham kan?

Baiklah, langsung saja klik tombol “begin” dibawah ini dan mulai kerjakan soalnya sekarang juga.

Good luck.

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 60 seconds per question. Are you ready?


I have been searching for my lost key for one hour. I wonder where I have put it. The following sentences are true, except ….

1. Pr Pf Con - My Lost Key istock.com
Correct! Wrong!

Tamara … piano since she was child.

2. Pr Pf Con - Play Piano istock.com
Correct! Wrong!

The government … to solve the poverty in many rural areas for more than 30 years. But, the result hasn't satisfied many people.

Correct! Wrong!

George smokes. He … for five years.

4. Pr Pf Con - George smokes istock.com
Correct! Wrong!

The pupils have been trying to solve the Physic quiz for almost one hour, but it seems to be fruitless. From the sentences we know that ….

5. Pr Pf Con - Students quiz istok.com
Correct! Wrong!

It is midnight. I … for five straight hours. No wonder I’m getting tired.

Correct! Wrong!

We started driving at six o’clock. Now, it’s nine o’clock. We can also say that ….

Correct! Wrong!

Change the verb in the bracket into the right form! The mechanic … (repair) my motorcycle for about 2 hours. I don’t know when it will finish. I hate waiting for so long.

8. Pr Pf Con - mechanic motorcycle istock.com
Correct! Wrong!

Lucas: “Ted is starting his own tech company.” Diane: “Since Ted graduated, he … with his father. He has pretty much experience in the field.”

Correct! Wrong!

Universities in Australia … international students for more than a century, and today most campuses boast an ethic mix in the student body of 50 or more nationalities.

Correct! Wrong!


A: “Arya was promoted president of your company last week, wasn’t he?” B: “I’m glad to hear that, he … in this company for years.”

Correct! Wrong!

Those girls … for six hours only to buy the tickets of Bruno Mars concert.

12. Pr Pf Con - Girl Buying Tickets
Correct! Wrong!

… here for over two hours?

13. Pr Pf Con - Girl Waiting istock.com
Correct! Wrong!

Why … Mandarin classes for the last three weeks?

14. Pr Pf Con - Mandarin Class istock.com
Correct! Wrong!

I’m sleepy because I … all night.

15. Pr Pf Con - Sleepy istock.com
Correct! Wrong!

My brother … about buying a used car from dealer. Do you think it’s a good idea?

16. Pr Pf Con - Buying Used Car istock.com
Correct! Wrong!

Rena: “Why don’t you reply my text?” Wawan: “Oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you that I … to Ambon since last year.”

17. Pr Pf Con - Ambon istock.com
Correct! Wrong!

All these years, Yudi’s family … in poverty.

Correct! Wrong!

Tono: “I think they are going here for a while.” Tini: “But we … in line for almost 30 minutes.”

Correct! Wrong!

Several hotels in this city are closing. That’s because tourism itself … since last year.

Correct! Wrong!

Soal Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Paket 1)
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