Latihan Soal Passive Voice Online (Basic Level – Paket 1)

Kita mengenal adanya Active Voice dan Passive Voice atau sederhananya bahwa kalimat itu ada kalimat aktif dan juga kalimat pasif.

Di active voice, subjek pada kalimat melakukan aksi, dia berfungsi sebagai pelaku aksi.

Sedangkan, di passive voice, subjek pada kalimat menerima aksi / dikenai aksi sehingga dia berfungsi sebagai penerima aksi.

Secara pola, kedua kalimat memiliki polanya masing-masing yang disesuaikan dengan tenses yang digunakan.

Mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif, atau rewriting active voice to passive voice, memiliki beberapa hal yang diperhatikan.

Untuk memahami lebih jauh mengenai materi passive voice, Anda bisa membaca penjelasan saya di artikel sebelumnya.

Materi Passive Voice

Sebaiknya kamu baca dulu materi passive voice yang sudah saya tulis sebelum kamu mengerjakan soal latihan passive voice ini.
Baca sekarang

Dan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Anda telah menguasai materi Passive Voice, Anda bisa mengerjakan Latihan Soal Passive Voice yang sudah saya siapkan dibawah ini.

Disana terdapat 15 pertanyaan dengan 4 pilihan jawaban. Selain itu, ada batas waktu pengerjaan, yaitu sekitar 20 detik, untuk mengerjakan setiap soal yang ada.

Jadi, siapkan diri Anda dan mulai kerjakan soalnya. Good Luck!

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 60 seconds per question. Are you ready?


My cousin is borrowing my dictionary. It means that my dictionary ... by my cousin.

1. Dictionary
Correct! Wrong!

The maid will clean our house. The correct passive form is ....

2. House Cleaning
Correct! Wrong!

Rio repairs his bicycle. The correct passive form is ....

3. Bicycle Repairing
Correct! Wrong!

The workers built a new house. The correct passive form is ....

4. Building a New House
Correct! Wrong!

The secretary has typed the letters. The correct passive form is ....

5. Typing a Letter
Correct! Wrong!

Many viewers watch "Indonesian Idol." The correct passive form is ....

6. Indonesian Idol
Correct! Wrong!

The servant is cooking some meal. The correct passive form is ....

7. Cooking Meal
Correct! Wrong!

Santi can fix the shirt. The correct passive form is ....

8. Fixing Shirt
Correct! Wrong!

Adi painted the wall. The correct passive form is ....

9. Painting the Wall
Correct! Wrong!

Gilang was drinking some milk. The correct passive form is ....

10. Drinking Milk
Correct! Wrong!


The students have finished the test. The correct passive form is ....

11. Finishing the Test
Correct! Wrong!

Sultan is riding a horse. The correct passive form is ....

12. Riding Horse
Correct! Wrong!

My mother bought some clothes. The correct passive form is ....

13. Buying Clothes
Correct! Wrong!

The children are playing hide and seek. The correct passive form is ....

14. Playing Hide and Seek
Correct! Wrong!

The students must study their lesson well. The correct passive form is ....

15. Studying the Lesson
Correct! Wrong!

Soal Passive Voice Online (Basic Level - Paket 1)
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