15 Soal Latihan Present Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda (Paket 1)

Kali ini, saya sudah menuliskan 15 soal latihan present continuous tense pilihan ganda untuk kamu kerjakan sebagai bentuk latihan untuk mengetes sejauh mana kamu memahami materi present continuous tense.

Sehingga, sebelum mengerjakan soal latihan ini kamu sebaiknya membaca dan memahami dengan baik materinya karena kamu akan langsung melihat hasilnya setelah kamu selesai mengerjakan soal.

Kamu bisa membaca materi present continuous tense di link dibawah ini.

Materi Present Continuous Tense

Di tulisan ini, saya menjelaskan secara detail dan sederhana mengenai present continuous tense. Penjelasan demikian saya tulis agar kamu bisa memahami materi ini dengan baik.
Baca Sekarang

Selain materi diatas, kamu juga bisa membaca materi English grammar lainnya disini.

15 Soal Latihan Present Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda

2. It is raining- Ilustrasi Soal Latihan Present Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda
Ilustrasi Soal Latihan Present Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda

Soal latihan ini merupakan soal paket 1 yang terdiri dari 15 soal. Selain itu, soal ini ditujukan untuk kamu yang baru belajar present continuous tense atau masih tingkat beginners.

Kerjakanlah soal latihan ini dengan cepat dan tepat karena setiap soal akan diberi beberapa detik untuk mengerjakan.

Are you ready?

Baiklah, silahkan kerjakan soal latihan present continuous tense dibawah ini sekarang.

Good luck.

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 60 seconds per question. Are you ready?


It is now 11.00 pm. Delila … sleeping in her bedroom.

1. She is sleeping
Correct! Wrong!

I need an umbrella or rain coat because it … right now.

2. It is raining- Ilustrasi Soal Latihan Present Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda
Correct! Wrong!

Elmira and Dilara … writing poems for an English subject right now.

Correct! Wrong!

Silent please! I … to concentrate.

Correct! Wrong!

Wahyu: Are you busy now? Eny: Yes, I am. Why? Wahyu: ...? Eny: I am typing some reports.

5. I am typing reports
Correct! Wrong!


Daddy: Where is Enrico? Fiona: He is in his room. He … at this moment.

6. He is studying
Correct! Wrong!

Mom: Oh my God! …? Natasya: What is wrong, Mom? Mom: Your father is looking for you. He needs you to help him with the air conditioner.

7. What are you doing
Correct! Wrong!

Mrs. Mawa: Look! That young lady … so rudely to her mother. Mrs. Ivon: That is too bad. She has no respect to her mother at all.

Correct! Wrong!

Fiona: Linda, you … to the teacher, are you? Linda: Oh! Oh! I am so sorry.

Correct! Wrong!

Farah: Are you thinking about tomorrow? Tamam: Yes, ....

Correct! Wrong!

Listen! The man … the piano very well.

11. He is playing piano
Correct! Wrong!

The sick boy is lying on his bed ....

12. He is lying on a bed
Correct! Wrong!

Nuril: Good evening, Mrs. Yesica. Mrs. Yesica: Good evening, Nuril. Nuril: I want to meet Pras. Mrs. Yesica: Oh OK, come in. Nuril: .... Mrs. Yesica: No, he is not. He is eating right now. Just wait, OK?

Correct! Wrong!

Anno: What did you just say, Mom? Mother: ....

14. You are not listening
Correct! Wrong!

At this moment, Mr. Darmawan … his family out to dinner because it is his birthday.

15. He is taking out
Correct! Wrong!

Soal Present Continuous Tense (Paket 1)
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