Latihan Soal Simple Past Tense Online (Basic Level – Paket 1)

Simple past tense merupakan salah satu aturan tata bahasa Inggris yang secara garis bisa digunakan untuk mengungkapkan aktifitas lampau.

Ciri dari Simple past tense yang paling menonjol adalah penggunanaan kata kerja bentuk kedua dan adverb of time lampau.

Untuk memahami materi ini lebih jauh, Anda bisa membaca artikel yang telah saya buat dengan mengklik tombol dibawah ini.

Materi Simple Past Tense

Sudah baca materinya belum? Kalau belum, yuk baca terlebih dahulu materi simple past tense-nya. Baca, pahami dan pasti kamu bisa mengerjakan soal latihan-nya dengan benar.
Baca sekarang

Jika Anda sudah membaca materi nya dan sudah benar-benar paham, Anda bisa mulai mengerjakan latihan soal simple past tense yang telah saya persiapkan.

Anda akan mendapatkan 20 soal dengan 4 pilihan jawaban. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat menurut Anda.

Sudah siap? Yuk mulai sekarang.

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 60 seconds per question. Are you ready?


Andi .......... his car this morning.

01. Washed His Car
Correct! Wrong!

Adverb of time yang digunakan pada kalimat ini adalah 'this morning' yang mengindikasikan bahwa kalimat ini merupakan kalimat simple past. Jadi, kata kerja yang tepat digunakan untuk mengisi soal tersebut adalah kata kerja bentuk kedua yaitu 'washed'.

The weather was so cold, so I .......... to bed with thick blanket.

02. Went to Bed
Correct! Wrong!

Yesterday, Mrs. Johansen had a party. It .......... so noisy.

03. Was so Noisy
Correct! Wrong!

Rani met her classmate ...........

04. Met her Classmate
Correct! Wrong!

How often .......... Peter practice yesterday?

05. Did Peter practice
Correct! Wrong!

I .......... very sleepy last night, so I slept earlier than usual.

06. Was very sleepy
Correct! Wrong!

All students .......... in the classroom now. An hour ago they .......... outside.

07. are in the classroom
Correct! Wrong!

My brother .......... shorter than me when we .......... children. Now he .......... taller than me.

08. Was shorter than me
Correct! Wrong!

.......... the boss in his office when you left the office this morning?

09. Was the bos
Correct! Wrong!

The previous secretary was very smart. She .......... five languages.

10. Spoke five languages
Correct! Wrong!


Where .......... you .......... those interesting book?

11. Where did you buy
Correct! Wrong!

All students .......... what the teacher explained.

12. All students understood
Correct! Wrong!

My father .......... a newspaper yesterday morning.

13. Read a newspaper
Correct! Wrong!

When Natasha was a kid, she ......... vegetables.

14. Did not like vegetables
Correct! Wrong!

How many toy cars .......... Alex buy yesterday?

15. Toys car did Alex buy
Correct! Wrong!

Tina .......... 17 years old last year but she .......... 18 years old now.

16. Was 17 years old
Correct! Wrong!

I didn't .......... the thunder during the storm last night because I was sleeping.

17. Did not hear the thunder
Correct! Wrong!

Teacher : Andi, come here. Why did you make the floor dirty? Andi : ........... Chandra did it.

18. Did not do it
Correct! Wrong!

Sheila came into the room, .......... her coat and ......... down.

19. Sat down
Correct! Wrong!

Linda .......... my friend when I was in second grade of elementary school.

20. Was my friend
Correct! Wrong!

Soal Simple Past Tense (Basic Level - Paket 1)
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