Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Online: Simple Present Tense (Basic Level – Paket 1)

Simple present tense adalah salah satu aturan tata bahasa yang paling mendasar yang harus dikuasai oleh pembelajar bahasa Inggris.

Fungsi utama tenses ini adalah untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum, kegiatan sehari-hari atau kebiasaan yang sering dilakukan.

Simple present tense menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama (Verb 1) untuk kalimat verbal dan to be present (are, am, is) untuk kalimat nominal.

Untuk menguasai tenses ini lebih jauh Anda bisa membaca nya di artikel saya sebelumnya yang membahas tentang Simple Present Tense.

Materi Simple Present Tense

Baca dulu yuk materi simple present tense-nya, biar kamu bisa mengerjakan soal latihan ini dengan benar.
Baca sekarang

Karena pada postingan kali ini, saya akan memberikan latihan soal bahasa Inggris secara online mengenai materi simple present tense.

Ada 20 pertanyaan dasar mengenai simple present tense berikut 4 pilihan jawaban dan Anda harus menjawab semua pertanyaanya dengan benar.

Dan setiap pertanyaan memiliki timer atau batas waktu sekitar 20 detik.

Jika Anda sudah membaca materi simple present tense atau sudah menguasainya dengan baik, silahkan kerjakan kuisnya dibawah ini.

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 60 seconds per question. Are you ready?


"What do you usually do on weekend?" "__________________________"

01. Doing Homework
Correct! Wrong!

Manie : "Do you eat rice?" Hanna : "__________________"

02. Eating Rice
Correct! Wrong!

Koko : "____________" Rena : "No, I don't."

03. Eating Durian
Correct! Wrong!

I ________ like eating "sambal pedas."

04. Eating Sambal Pedas
Correct! Wrong!

Fish _____ moss a lot.

05. Fish Eating Moss
Correct! Wrong!

Irene : __________? Roy : Yes, they do.

06. Speaking English
Correct! Wrong!

Andy : Where is John, Nova? Nova : I'm sorry __________

07. Do not Know
Correct! Wrong!

Dio : _________ Tya : Yes, she does.

08. Visiting Dio
Correct! Wrong!

This animal can run very fast. It has a very long neck. It __________ leaves. It has four legs. It's a giraffe.

09. Giraffe
Correct! Wrong!

The penguin can swim in the sea and __________ on the land. It cannot fly. It eats fish. It lives in the coldest part of the world.

10. Penguin
Correct! Wrong!


Aisyah : I'm thinking of an animal. Irma : Is it a big animal? Aisyah : Yes, it is Irma : _________ Aisyah : No, It doesn't.

11. Big Animal
Correct! Wrong!

Puteri : Can we change the English Club to Saturday? Dira : I'm afraid not. I always __________ badminton on Saturday.

12. Playing Badminton
Correct! Wrong!

Every night the watchman turns on all the lights and __________ around the building.

13. Walking Around The Building
Correct! Wrong!

Rina is a good student. ___________

14. Good Student
Correct! Wrong!

Abda's house is not far from the beach. He often _________ in the ocean with his father.

15. House Near The Beach
Correct! Wrong!

Lia : Hani, __________? Hani : Oh, he is a policeman.

16. A Policeman
Correct! Wrong!

Every holiday, my sister and I always __________ to our grandmother's house in the village.

17. Grandmother House
Correct! Wrong!

The children always _________ their teeth before they go to bed.

18. Brushing Teeth
Correct! Wrong!

The Book Publisher _________ several books.

19. Publishing Books
Correct! Wrong!

I __________ my teeth after I eat.

20. Cleaning Teeth
Correct! Wrong!

Soal Simple Present Tense (Basic Level - Paket 1)
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