Latihan Soal If Conditional Sentence Online (Basic Level – Paket 1)

If Conditional Sentence adalah kalimat pengandaian yang dikenal juga sebagai Conditional Clauses atau If Clauses.

Kalimat ini digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah aksi pada kalimat utama yang akan terpenuhi atau terjadi jika kondisi tertentu terpenuhi.

Dalam kata lain, kalimat ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu harapan atau gambaran suatu lamunan dengan bentuk “kalimat bersyarat”.

If Conditional Sentence ini memiliki beberapa tipe yaitu If Conditional Sentence Type 1, Type 2 dan Type 3. Masing-masing tipe ini memiliki rumus dan pemahaman masing-masing.

Untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai materi ini, Anda bisa membacanya di tulisan saya sebelumnya.

Materi If Conditional Sentence

Sebelum mengerjakan soal latihan If conditional sentence ini, yuk baca dulu materinya dan pahami agar kamu bisa mengerjakan soalnya dengan benar.
Baca sekarang

Nah, jika Anda sudah benar-benar memahami materinya dengan baik. Cek pemahaman Anda tentang materi ini dengan mengerjakan latihan soal if conditional sentence di dibawah ini.

Di latihan soal kali ini, Anda akan mengerjakan sekitar 20 soal dengan 4 pilihan jawaban. Dan Anda memiliki sekitar 20 detik untuk menjawab setiap pertanyaan.

Jadi, good luck ya!

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 60 seconds per question. Are you ready?


What will you do if you ... a million rupiah?

01. Million Rupiah
Correct! Wrong!

The crops ... faster, if we had more rain.

02. Had More Rain
Correct! Wrong!

If we ... about your problems, we would have helped you.

03. Your Problems
Correct! Wrong!

The whole machine would fall into pieces if you ... that screw.

04. Machine Screw
Correct! Wrong!

If you study hard, you ... the examination.

05. Pass the Examination
Correct! Wrong!

She would have gone out with you if you ... her.

06. Gone Out with You
Correct! Wrong!

I ... for her if she wants me to.

07. Wait for Her
Correct! Wrong!

The room would be much brighter if you ... the walls white.

08. Paint the Wall White
Correct! Wrong!

If we miss the bus, ...

09. Miss the Bus
Correct! Wrong!

We'll go for a picnic, ...

10. Go for Picnic
Correct! Wrong!


If you ... English, she would have understood.

11. Speaking English
Correct! Wrong!

Anton gives me the ring, he ... terribly upset if I lose it.

12. Give the Ring
Correct! Wrong!

You wouldn't have so much troubles with your car if you ... it serviced regularly.

13. Service Car Regularly
Correct! Wrong!

I would go and see him more often if he ... near me.

14. Live Near
Correct! Wrong!

If I had not broken my leg, I would have ... part in the contest.

15. Broken Leg
Correct! Wrong!

What would you do if the lift ... stuck between two floors?

16. Stucked Lift
Correct! Wrong!

If you ... your job, would it affect your pension?

17. Change the Job
Correct! Wrong!

You will not be able to sleep if you ... this scary film.

18. Can not Sleep
Correct! Wrong!

Nunik will go shopping if she ... time in the afternoon.

19. Go Shopping
Correct! Wrong!

My brother ... a sport car if he had the money.

20. Buy Sport Car
Correct! Wrong!

Soal If Conditional Sentence (Basic Level - Paket 1)
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Excellent You Pass the Test

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Not Too Bad

Oh No. You need a lot of practice!

You Need a Lot of Practice

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